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local train series 8000

local train series 8000

Shimanto town train

Shimanto town train

Daruma sunset train

Daruma sunset train

Shimanto city train

Shimanto city train

Tosashimizu city train

Tosashimizu city train

local train cabin

local train cabin

local train cabin

local train cabin

local train cabin

local train cabin

local train cabin

local train cabin



local train cabin

local train cabin

local train cabin

local train cabin

The local train colored by 7 municipalities design and Daruma sunset

This is the local train on Nakamura Sukumo line. It's equipped wide windows, convertible cross seats (without Daruma sunset) and the lavatory. Daruma sunset train can be corresponded for the event and private train.

  • route: Sukumo~Nakamura​~Kubokawa

土佐くろしお鉄道株式会社 公式ウェブサイト
TOSA KUROSHIO TETSUDO (Railway) Co.,Ltd. all rights reserved.

design and photo direction by Yasuyuki KAWANISHI + ICHIBANSEN / nextstations



  • 四万十くろしおライン(中村・宿毛線)〒787-0014 高知県四万十市駅前町7-1 tel.0880-35-4961(中村駅)

  • ごめん・なはり線 〒784-0010 高知県安芸市東浜300-4   tel.0887-34-8800(安芸駅)

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